Back to School Mindset Bootcamp
6 sessions $350.00
Moving to Middle School Mindset Bootcamp
8 sessions $ 475.00
Heading to High School Mindset Bootcamp
8 sessions 475.00
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Creating Confidence and Courage
This package is designed to help kids develop their self-confidence by learning how to believe in themselves. They will learn how to build their courage to go for it in life!
7 sessions $450.00
Creating Soaring Self-Esteem
How kids feel about themselves is the biggest influence on their happiness and how they go on to create their life. This package is designed to help show them how to build up their self-esteem.
5 sessions $350.00
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Going for your Goals!
Whatever it is, this package will help kids with a 3 step process to reaching their goals. It all begins with an idea.
8 Sessions $500.00
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Building Resilience
This package will help kids develop the skills to handle the ups and downs of growing up.
8 sessions $ 500.00
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Standing up to Peer Pressure
To stand up to peer pressure kids must first decide who they are and what they stand for. This package gets kids to figure this out and how to get through the tough stuff that comes from their peers.
6 Sessions $475.00
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ACE IT Test System
A — Attitude
C — Create a Mindset for Success
E — Effective Learning Skills
I — Intention, Integrity, Inner calmness
T — Test Taking Strategies
10 Sessions $650.00
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